Monday, 13 July 2020


Just like the electricity set-up, the plumbing set-up of a property is also very complex and because it is used virtually 24 hours a day, it suffers more blows than others. 

Because of these blows, you could start hearing different, unusual noises and as you start hearing them for the first time, you should understand that its time to avail plumbing services Canberra. 

Ignoring them means sending "open invitation" to numerous plumbing issues and who knows, you might even need to services of emergency plumber Canberra. 

Here must know about these Top 5 DIY Plumbing Mistakes which should be Avoided .

Here in this post, we will discuss the noises and what do they mean for the owner.

Knocking Sound-

  • When there is some issue in the plumbing set at a home, one of the most common sounds you would hear is of knocking and it comes from pipes in different situations.

When You Turn Off The Water Supply-

  • The noise occurring as you throw water, flush toilet or so is called "Hammer".
  • This sound of caused by excessive water hitting the valves multiple times and thus, it generates the noise of knocking of the door.

When Water Is Running-

  • If this knocking noise occurs, when the water is running, it could be due to the high pressure of the water in the drain pipes. 

emergency plumber Canberra

Randomly During The Day-

  • If this knocking sound occurs randomly during the day, this is mainly due to sediment build-up in your hot water system. 
  • The result of this sediment build-up is increased vibration within the unit and, in turn, the pipes within your walls.

Some other noises coming out from the plumbing set-up that should never be ignored are – 

Dripping Noises-

  • Could quickly become costly and increase in your water bill.


  • Easily turn into a costly issue if not attended on time.


  • Caused by water flowing quickly through small openings.

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